KAMC was officially launched as a corporation on August 26, 2008. However, prior to
its establishment, it had been engaged in diverse undertakings.
- 2008
The Korean Association of Deans of Medical Colleges was founded
(with Jung-Gi Im Dean of the Seoul National University College
of Medicine as the 1stChairperson)
- 2009
Consortium for Medical Education Evaluation was launched
(2017 renamed Medical Education Assesment Corporation)
- 2012
The Association was designated for receiving donations
by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance
- 2013
The 2nd term of President Daehee Kang began
The Association was renamed the Korea Association of Medical College
- 2014
The 30th anniversary was commemorated with a ceremony
and the publication of 30-Year History of KAMC
- 2016
The 3rd term of President Hee Chul Han began